Getting Started

To install StrideArrays.jl, simply:

using Pkg

This library is built on ArrayInterface.jl and LoopVectorization.jl. It is still somewhat experimental, and many features such as good linear algebra support, are still missing. It aims to achieve high performance and provide flexibility, while keeping implementations simple.

Please file issues if you encounter problems or have feature requests.

To create an uninitialized StrideArray, use the constructor StrideArray{T}(undef, size_tuple), e.g.:

julia> StrideArray{Float64}(undef, (3,4)) |> StrideArrays.size
(3, 4)

julia> StrideArray{Float64}(undef, (StaticInt(3),4)) |> StrideArrays.size
(Static(3), 4)

julia> StrideArray{Float64}(undef, (3,StaticInt(4))) |> StrideArrays.size
(3, Static(4))

julia> StrideArray{Float64}(undef, (StaticInt(3),StaticInt(4))) |> StrideArrays.size
(Static(3), Static(4))

If a size is specified by a StaticInt, then that dimension will be statically sized. Otherwise, it will by dynamically sized.

To create one filled with random elements, see the RNG section.