Documentation for CloseOpenIntervals.
— TypeCloseOpen([start=0], U) <: AbstractUnitRange{Int}
SafeCloseOpen([start=0], U) <: AbstractUnitRange{Int}
Define close-open unit ranges, i.e. CloseOpen(0,10)
iterates from from 0:9
. Close-open ranges can be more convenient in some circumstances, e.g. when partitioning a larger array.
function foo(x)
nt = Threads.nthreads()
d, r = divrem(length(x), nt)
i = firstindex(x)
Threads.@sync for j in 1:nt
stop = i + d + (r >= j)
Threads.@spawn bar!($(@view(x[CloseOpen(i, stop)])))
i = stop
This saves a few -1
s on the ends of the ranges if using a normal unit range.
will not iterate if U <= start
, while CloseOpen
doesn't check for this, and thus the behavior is undefined in that case.
— TypeCloseOpen([start=0], U) <: AbstractUnitRange
Iterates over the range start:U-1. Guaranteed to iterate at least once, skipping initial empty check. See ?AbstractCloseOpen
for more information.
— TypeSafeCloseOpen([start=0], U) <: AbstractUnitRange
Iterates over the range start:U-1. Will not iterate if it isempty
, like a typical range, making it generally the preferred choice over CloseOpen
. See ?AbstractCloseOpen
for more information.